Friday, April 11, 2008

Reaching to Heaven!

Aloha everyone!

Wow, what an amazing time the last year has been. I have been supremely blessed with all the new friends I have made this year and am looking forward to making many more in the coming months.

Reently, while I was in Los Angeles, I had the opportunity to work with this amazing soul who had contacted me some time ago about Aloha Life. We did an intense one day session where I introduced her to Kilo Lani yoga and half-way through she asked me why I chose to name the yoga I teach Kilo Lani.

In the Hawaiian language, Kilo Lani means literally "to reach to heaven". While there is the obvious reason of the lengthy stretches we do for naming Kilo Lani the way I did, it wasn't the only reason.

One thing I have learned while living this Aloha Life is that if we as individuals constantly are striving to reach to heaven, it truly brings to us heaven on earth. For me, being able to share joy and happiness with all of my friends ever day is a definite heavenly experience, but I also feel that an integral part of living this Aloha Life is a healthy body and a positive mind-set and Kilo Lani yoga helps me personally with both.

I hope all of you are reaching to the heaven every day. If we all could spend some time every day striving to live heaven on earth, so much of what goes on in this world would be avoided.

Blessing to all of you and Malama Pono!


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